Thursday, 17 November 2011

Cunningham Development 1

Focus Points:-Learn the development properly.
-Make sure back is in a high arch in the development.
-Pointed feet when pushing off the floor.
-Make sure head is alligned.
-Make sure turns are controlled.

0.04-My head is alligned.

0.06-need to improve my arch, make it bigger and higher.

1.00-Need to hit upper back arch.

1.08-I need to make sure my toes are pointed.

1.17-I need to strengthen my arms and hold them in position more.

1.26-make sure i keep in time, and that my timimg is right.

I need to try and reach more of the focus points to make my movements stronger and more effective. By completing the exercises correctly it will help me to work my spine correctly and articulate it properly.

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