Thursday, 6 October 2011

Cunningham Technique Class.

This was our first Cunningham Technique Class.

Exercise One-Bounces in Parallel
0.23seconds- I need to roll my shoulders back as it looks like im slouching.

0.41seconds- I am performing a good Cunningham curve.

0.56seconds- My head SHOULD be in line with my spine. I need more tension in my arms. My weight is evenly distributed.

1.10- Focus and timing is good, and i have clarity within my movements.

FOCUS POINTS- In this exercise you need to keep your head down, so it looks weighted. You need to keep your shoulders relaxed. You also need to extend releves as much as you can. Make sure abdominal muscles are engaged.

Exercise Two-Torso Twists

In the Torso Twists you need to make sure you have constant energy!

1.42- I need to strtch my back more and extend my spine to create a much more successful flat back.

FOCUS POINTS- In this exercise it is important to not move your hips to much like your doing salsa! You can move your hips slightly but most movement comes from the torso area.

Exercise Three-Foot Exercises
2.11- My feet are in parallel and my arms are extended.

2.20- I need to make sure my foot and leg are extended fully to make this exercise successfu;. My foot looks a bit sloppy.

FOCUS POINTS- In this exercise your foot should be extended fully with a point, even when hitting your ankle and knee. There also needs to be a lot of snappy dynamics.

Exercise Four-Plies
3.20- Good timing.

3.37- Good plie however i need to drop my head a bit.

3.44- Make sure you only move upper back, hips should stay still!

FOCUS POINTS- First position needs to be turned out, with your legs pulled tight together. Make sure the moves are placed, this shows your strength and control.

Exercise Five-Glises
A glise is pushing your foot through the floor, bringing it back using resistance.

4.25- I am in a good position, im pulled up and i have pointed feet.

4.32- Pointed foot.

FOCUS POINTS- Make sure you stay pulled up and do not try and lift your leg too high. You also need to have good coordination and a good pointed foot.

Exercise Six-Torso Wraps
5.08- I need to look over my shoulder when i wrap, this emphasises the movement.

5.35- I need to roll up through my spine FULLY!

FOCUS POINTS- Spot when turning, roll up fully through the spine. Make sure you look over your shoulder when you wrap.

Exercise Seven-Shoulders, Elbows, Arm Rotation.

5.39- My feet are turning in, need to keep in parallel.

5.48- I need to drop my head back more.

5.51- Keep bum down, look like mount everest !

6.32- I need to keep my arms straight and more narrow, i also need to relax my shoulders.

6.38- Good plank position. Make sure knees come right across the body.

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