Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Cunningham Duets

We had to make duets to put in our Cunningham dance, using the different Cunningham techniques, Arch, Tilt , Twist and Curve. I worked with Joe, Chloe and Ellouise worked together, Shannon and Rey worked together and Becky and Cheryl worked together. We choreographed these duets ourselves in about 15minutes, we need to change them and edit them but these are our first real attempt of choreographing in our A-Level class.

Cunningham Development 3

Focus Point:
-Keep bum tucked in
-Make sure you keep balanced
-Keep pulled up

0.02- I need a deeper plie, and a better high release of energy.
0.05- Need to make sure my bum is tucked in when doing my plies.
0.08- Make sure i keep my stomach pulled in when rotating.
0.20- Try and pull legs together more when rotating.
0.29- Make sure i learn the exercise properlky and perform it accurately.
0.35- Deeper plie.
0.57- Keep bum tucked in and try to deepen plie so i gain more out of it.
1.12- Get deeper in bounces
1.16- I kept my bum tucked in when doing my bounces.
1.28- Keep balance when lifting feet.
1.32- Try and hold the position strongly.
